We are a small hobby breeding facility located in Carrollton, Ga. We take pride in offering quality, registered babies. Our goal is to enrich other families…
I am not a puppy mill. I have 3 females and only offer puppies about every 2 years. My females will prodce a litter approx every 1 to 2 years. My pppies will…
Small home-based breeder of the German Rottweiler. Parents are on premise and the puppies are raised in the home. They are socialized with our grandson who…
Puppies for sale Mini Schanuzers- Yorkies -Shorkies- Shihtzu.
This dog is gorgeous blue and white american bulldog who needs to go to a good home. only asking 100.00 for him. He is great w/ kids and will not go to anyone…
College graduate school student
I am Derek rowell. I am looking to breed my male bloodhound Roscoe. I live in Buchanan GA.
Breeder: Dr Agnes Golian-Beres-medical doctor, cinologist I'm the owner of 2 borzois (1 male+1 female). We're involved in shows, racing and coursing activities…