She & her brother was born 02-16-2016 . She very playful and sweet , she listens well and eats a lot lol . I have named her Aliah , after her Dad Ali . She…
Yorkie puppies
our puppies are great little boys and girl they are calm personality. He loves to play, but his favorite thing to do is curl up on your lap to cuddle. they…
We are all very involved in the lives of our pets and we believe in making our dogs a part of our family with constant interaction, companionship and love.…
My name is Lena, I need someone to take my lovely puppy and give him the attention i can't.
Hello, I am Martina with this lovely little chihuahua puppy that needs a new home, if you're interested kindly let me know.
i have two maltese puppies see below
We are not a kennel we are small family breeders.