I'm a breeder of Labradoodles and labradoodle infusions. I have been breeding for over 7 years and i'm a code of ethics breeder. All pups are raised in home…
Lancaster puppies shibi Inu name Kira
Find us on Instagram @xclusive1bully
Have been breeding 22 years this is my 2nd small breed love my job not for the money for the love of the breed
breeding shih tzu over 10 years, please look up our web for our puppies with new family. specialkshihtzu.angelfire.com
We have hand raised cane corso italiano puppies of imported bloodline. Our goal is to provide you with the best Cane Corso puppy for your families needs. Each…
AKC german shepherd dogs,i have thirty years plus experience in this breed,we breed for ezxcellence,tempermant, and longevity,the goal is to produce the most…