We are located in the Bay Area. We breed Australian Labradoodles.
searching for a Sheltie puppy for my Dad, who recently lost his pet of many years.
im elena munante . i have 2 puppies. one is male and the other female. their parents are a maltese and a Yorkie. I sell each for 250.00 dollars. their so beautiful…
We have the cutest Maltese ever. From tiny teacup to toy to regular size.
I’m looking for a puppy pug. Please call or text me at408 4768997 or email me at Lydia95135@yahoo.com
I own my own pets and treat them as part of my family
Loving AKC Chihuahua Pups for adoption text at(240) 206-1002
I am not a breeder just a owner
Los Altos Dog Therapists