we are shih-tzu breeders,we have been making familys happy for 6 years,we have a litter coming due apr 3 2017....these are purebred pups ....females are 450…
If your interested in buying a new dog.Here's a dog that needs a new home with food and shelter.Husky is free he is only 10 months old.He is very playful…
Litter of 3 males and 3 females. black and tan The parents are pictured and so are the pups. They are currently 5 weeks.
They are very healthy and have all heath papers. Great with kids and other pets AKC registered and will come with accessories. Please contact for more details…
i am a pet walker when you need me ill be there p.s. im 11
Specializing in breeding only healthy, high quality, 100% European Great Danes.
Kennel in Western Sonoma County outside Sebastopol. 100% purebred Akita Parents. Mother is from Michigan (Tara St Aubin) & Father was born in Texas (Roxanne…
Los Altos Dog Therapists