Dog Services in Marshalltown, Iowa

Dog Services in Marshalltown, IA

Marion, IA (108 mi)

Registered Breeder of Australian Labradoodles.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Labrador Retriever
$1200.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Eldon, IA (108 mi)

Sex: Female Name: Hayley Reaves Hobby: Taking care of animals Number of animals: 7 dogs, 2 fish, and 2 cats Discrption (Why I need a dog): I had…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Marion, IA (108 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Promise City, IA (109 mi)

R and R Boxers is owned and operated by Steven and Roxanne Eastlick of Promise City, Iowa. Our first experience began when we purchased Lacy. Needless to say…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$400.00 / Puppy Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Dawson, IA (109 mi)

Great Dane Puppies

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
Marion, IA (109 mi)

Sassy is 1 1/2 very easy going and loving. We are looking to breed her one or two times in her life before spaying her. Interested in a poodle male or labradoodle…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Fort Dodge, IA (110 mi)

I own a full blooded American Pitbull he is all white:) im looking for a white american bull terrier female to breed with my Zeus:)

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Fort Dodge, IA (110 mi)

I am searching for a female companion for my Jacob. He is an English Springer Spaniel, liver and white, 5yrs. old. A puppy is preferred but would consider…

Primary Business
Primary Breed