Havanese, females, AKC registered, home raised, both parents are family pets and on-site. Born 11/24, will be 8 weeks on 1/12/13 and ready to go home. The…
With over 10 years of experience, we the Melvin Miller and Arlyn Hershberger families bring you some of the highest quality French Bulldog and Pug puppies in…
My loveof the breed has made me want to share it with others!! We keep our prices lower so you can also share the joy of our adorable fur babies !!
Breeding of puppies have been our family business for a very long while now.Started by my grand father and now we continuing the process because we love puppies…
Olde English Bulldogge
Mink and Samson will be having there first litter on April 23,2011.The colors will vary,creams,apricots,slivers,blue,reds,cafe au laite,or even sliver beige…
At Home Insurance Kennel, we are dedicated to raising healthy, well-tempered Cane Corsos with the highest standards of care. Our passion for this incredible…
I offer dog walking services and offer dog sitting! I’m experienced with large dogs, small dogs and wolf hybrids!
Minerva Dog Therapists
Minerva Dog Veterinarians