These beautiful puppies have smooth coats long legs and will be very sturdy once they mature. Both parents come from reputable breeders and the studs father…
His name is King and he is 11 weeks. He has updated shots and dewormed. He also has his papers. He comes with a cage, carrier, food & snacks, food bowls, clothes…
Black love able Pomeranian male very cute.6weeks
Black adorable mixed cockapoo puppies. House broken, kid friendly first and second shots also dewormed. 3 months old
Quality German Shepherd Puppies!
At Allegiant Danes our goal is to breed Great Danes by the Breed Standard with emphasis on Health, Longevity, and Temperament. We raise our puppies with tons…
We are a family with two great Chihuahuas that have had a litter of pups that are very loved.
Raise Super Sweet Happy Puppies that are healthy
Montpelier Dog Therapists