Dog Services in Morgantown, Indiana

Dog Services in Morgantown, IN

Tipton, IN (77 mi)

I have been raising Keeshond puppies for over 30 years. I strive to raise healthy happy puppies that will be good family pets.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Tipton, IN (77 mi)

We are F1 Golden Doodle breeders in Indiana. We strive to have healthy, happy Golden Doodle puppies. Placing them in loving homes is our passion! We specialize…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Frankfort, IN (77 mi)

We are a small family run operation. Our dogs are our pets. We are not a kennel. All of our puppies are wormed and UTD on vaccines. They are well socialized…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Linton, IN (77 mi)

I am a small hobby breeder that loves the mastiff breed and I believe that every one should be able to enjoy a mastiff in their family.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Mastiff
Anderson, IN (77 mi)

Not a breeder/owner

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Frankfort, IN (77 mi)

I have an 8 week german sheppard puppy. Its a girl. I am trying to seel her due to no time with new job and college.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Indiana (77 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Anderson, IN (78 mi)

I have 7 beautiful puppies that will be 8 weeks on June 20. Both parents are on site and members of our family. Both are AKC registered. All pups wil have updated…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Siberian Husky
$600.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week