private breeder. these dogs live in our home. all pups are very social and raised with lots of love and care.
Gorgeous purebred Pomeranian male puppy. 6 weeks old. Cream color.
i have a beautiful pair of bonded lutino lovebirds.... they would like a great home with time and attention for them.. they love to play outside their cage…
I am a graphic designer from new york city and a complete animal lover my dream dog is a golden retriever puppy
We are a small family breeder of French and English Bulldog puppies. All of our pups are raised in my home with my family and other puppies so they really have…
We are a service committed to helping caring individuals and families find a companion.
We are small group of hobby breeders of American Cockers Spaniels. All of our dogs are part of the family. What makes us exceptional is our unique location…