Brenda Stiehl
Looking for a loveable pug for my family!
selling my teacup yorkie for $800, due to me not being home enough to watch and train him. He is 8 weeks old and hasnt received his shots yet. Want him in a…
His name is Biff. He is a Jack Russell mixed with Chihuahua, and was born on January 20,2017. He is available with all his accessories for $500.00, but price…
We are very happy with this litter of Bernese Mountain Dogs Puppies they were born and raised in our home. We eill have all vaccinations along with deworming…
I am not a Breeder but a lover of this breed so is my hobby to breed this particular breed of puppy that i love so much.
We're a puppy & pet store in Connecticut that offers all kinds of puppy breeds and grooming
I love dogs and I have a passion on knowing the dogs that leave from my breed will get a long lived and great quality addition to thier family and home. I have…