New owner of a 6month old st. Bernard papers and first shots. Changes in life makes it difficult to keep him bought him for 2000.00 selling him for 800.00
We breed black and tan healthy and beautiful, ACA full pedigree pups. We are here full time to assist you with the adoption. You will meet our moms and dads…
My name is Amy I'm from Fairfield county looking to sell my 3 bull terrier pups . They are 3 weeks old and will be ready for a new home December 18th the earliest…
craig and yvette vandunk/owner and breeder
craig and yvette vandunk
I have been breeding Great Pyrenees for 17 years
Sire (Dad) and Dam (Mom) are both our family pets and are able to meet with anyone interested in the puppies. We have 4 poodle puppies born June 15, 2017, 3…
5 month old pure bread akc registered Siberian husky puppy both blue eyes , microchipped . Comes with papers and shots . His parents are show dogs and comes…