Looking to rehome my 12 week male yorkshire puppy. His name is cris he weighs 1.2 lbs he is very lovavble and adorable. Loves to play and cuddle my rehoming…
We are a small family breeder of French and English Bulldog puppies. All of our pups are raised in my home with my family and other puppies so they have wonderful…
AKC Newfoundland Puppies- Browns & Blacks...all males- Ready to go February 18th. All puppies come with 1 year health guarantee, 2 sets of shots, wormed and…
Hi , I'm interested in the puppy called Patched a mix of pug and Boston Terrier for $575.00 . I read this is the first generation of this mix but was wondering…
A Blessed Family that loves animals and my children do to. We are looking for a teacup yorkie or maltese. i have threee kids 15, 13, 12. And i am married, i…
Through our state-of-the-art facilities and our experienced, compassionate veterinary team, we offer world-class healthcare for your animal companion. We provide…
Josh & Vivian home raised puppy yorkies, Breeding for 5 years.
i have a year and hald old morkie, all of his shots are up to date, i have all the paper work, rectently got groomed, needs lots of love and attention, its…