Gabby, our Goldendoodle, is 4 1/12 years old with her second litter. Her first litter, in 2012, was 9 healthy puppies. This litter has 10 - 7 black and…
I have been breeding APBT's for over 20 years and I am an advocate for the breed.
Hi! My husband and I have 6 Alaskan Malamute puppies for sale! They are full blooded and we own both the mother and the father! They will come with their registration…
I have been around dogs all my life. I have a horse and Miko or "Foxy Lady Miko" who is a red Shiba Inu, she has been through two obedience classes and agility…
I have raised pit bull since I was 14 years old I am a dog lover and love to make sure that the puppies that Breed go to good homes. This is my last litter…