We are a small family breeder of French and English Bulldog puppies. All of our pups are raised in my home with my family and other puppies so they really have…
my daughter is pleading with me to get a miniature aussie. This is the only kind of dog she wants. She is a true animal lover, who will love and adore this…
We have beautiful black and white huskies with beautiful blue eyes they are ready for approval homes for more info and pictures email me at elnablaise@yahoo…
helping a small hobby breeder find homes for her pups
We're a puppy & pet store in Connecticut that offers all kinds of puppy breeds and grooming
1 male malsi puppy. Born on 9/12/13 6 weeks old. Up to date on shots. Will be ready 11/16/13. Call or text for more information 203-644-4646