Dog Services in Oxon Hill, Maryland

Dog Services in Oxon Hill, MD

Pennsylvania (116 mi)

we are sar dog trainers we also train for protection dogs we stive to get the best dogs possible for our program we have puppys we sell as well as trained dogs…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Lancaster, PA (116 mi)

Greenfield Puppies has been providing breeders with a resource to list their puppies online since 2000.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Lancaster, PA (116 mi)

Greenfield Puppies connect healthy puppies with caring families. Greenfield Puppies does not condone Puppy Mills, and we strongly discourage against all breeding…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Seaford, DE (116 mi)

I have been breeding dogs for 40+ years, mostly Poodles, Old English Sheepdogs, Weimeriners, Springer Spaniels, Basset Hounds and now mini Dachshunds and Bichon…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Oxford, PA (116 mi)

we have wonderful working Czech German shepherds we enjoy sar training herding and family protection dogs our dogs are smart loyal energetic obedient loving…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Lancaster, PA (116 mi)

We have Beautiful AKC champion french bulldog puppies for sale. East Coast French Bulldogs is located Honey Brook, Pa. Every one of our French Bulldogs is…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
French Bulldog
$3000.00 / Dog Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Lancaster, PA (116 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Lancaster, PA (116 mi)

I Love Dogs I'm Interested In A FEMALE Shitzu

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