I have 3 gorgeous, AKC Standard Poodle Pups. Mom is 60 LBS, dad is 65 lbs. Puppies were born and raised in our home with love, and are very social and loving…
2 female Purebred Applehead Chihuahuas for sale. 2 females left. $400.00 each. The will have their first set of shots, wellness checkup, first dose of deworming…
I have an Old English Sheep dog, two Mini Rex rabbits and 3 cats. I love all animals but dogs are my passion. All kinds and all sizes. Every dog is unique and…
We are a family breeder located near the Twin Cities in Anoka, MN with AKC-registered puppies for sale.
We are located in Central Minnesota just 40 minutes North of Minneapolis and ship our puppies nationwide (excluding Hawaii). Whether you are looking for a good…
Here is Jax a 4 month old purbred white German Shepard. He is potty trained and has 4 weeks left of puppy classes to complete. He loves kids, licks the baby…
We have bottle fed and hand raised these puppies. My kids come home and play with them everyday after school. They are very sweet babies!
Pequot Lakes Dog Pet Sitters
Pequot Lakes Dog Groomers
Pequot Lakes Dog Photographers
Pequot Lakes Dog Therapists
Pequot Lakes Dog Rescues
Pequot Lakes Dog Trainers
Pequot Lakes Dog Veterinarians