St Louis Dog Sitters

Jefferson City, MO

My name is Amanda. I have been taking in pit bulls for the last two years. They get everything they need and want when I have them, then I place them in screened…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$5.00 / Hour Daycare & Dog Sitting
Any Day of the Week
$5.00 / 15mins Dog Walking
Any Day of the Week
Olive Branch, IL

I bought this beautiful toy poodle about months ago and he just hasn't bonded with me. I think I expected him to be like my other poodle that I lost. Need to…

Primary Business
Daycare & Dog Sitting
Primary Breed
Toy Poodle
Festus, MO

We were a small loving breader who cares about it's pups

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$600.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$125.00 / Day Daycare & Dog Sitting
Any Day of the Week

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