I am a home breeder who tries to follow all the proper breeding etiquette. I am the owner of the Sire and Dam. All pups are well take care of and have proper…
Meet charly. she is an akc registered beagle. 16 weeks and looking for a good home that offers lots of attention.
I am looking for anyone who has an adult dog that needs to place somewhere. I live in Massachusetts with my dog and cat in a house with a big back and front…
* Akc boxer puppies for sale!! $1,000 * Mom & Dad are both akc reg. * Pups DOB 2/27/18 * 5 Males all FAWNS with black mask & beautiful markings * Pups…
This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.. Ex boyfriend bought puppy and left.. I can't have her where I live. Can't jeopardize my kids roof over their…
I have 4 puppies for sale. Dog good company dog, good with people , kids , cats and others dogs. Health guarantee! Delivery any city Mass. or NH. 781 367…
Family orientated I am not a breeder champion bloodlines AKC/FIC healthy