We are a small hobby/show breeding family with 1 adult male and 5 females. All are in the home with us and have been raised with kids. Our Goldens go everywhere…
Adorable king English bulldogs sweet coat. socialized with children, dogs and cats in our neighborhood does very well doesn't chase other animals since we had…
We bought this dogie and have papers. she sometimes likes to sanp when she does not get her way. This is a beautiful dog and would be great with adults. …
Owner of Shepherd and Labs for pets only
We are not a kennel or a business but a private home that loves Alaskan Malamutes. We own 2 beautiful dogs that we breed once in a while to produce wonderful…
Breeding dogs for over 25 yrs. Background in Social Work. Breeding for health and personality Believe in the power of pets and how a well socialized dog is…
Breeding AKC registeredStandard Poodle since 2007. . We breed healthy happy pet in our home on a semi annual schedule. I was mentored by Nobility Poodles one…