Dog Services in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania

Dog Services in Plymouth Meeting, PA

Reading, PA (60 mi)

Teddy is the offspring of our housepets, Wiggles (Shih Tzu/Mother), and Baily (Bichon Frise/Father). This is a first litter, and Teddy was raised by his parents…

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Primary Breed
Millville, NJ (61 mi)

The dogs I breed are my pets/companions and their health and welfare are my number 1 concern. I usually have 2-3 litter a year. The puppies are born and raised…

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Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Elkton, MD (61 mi)

Looking for six loving families to make long-term commitments to our adorable 3 week old puppies ~ 5 boys and 1 girl. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, will…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Gap, PA (62 mi)

About Our German Shepherd Puppies My wife and I have been breeding German Shepherds for health & temperament since 1989. Our German Shepherds are raised…

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Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Any Day of the Week
Ew, NJ (62 mi)

want a maltese puppy for my three children ages 12, 13 and 14. We are a loving and responsible home.

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Primary Breed
New Jersey (62 mi)

John M central NJ

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Primary Breed
Oxford, PA (63 mi)

we have a sar team and at times we have super pups we believe the Czech line is the best working dogs they are loving smart fearless determined relentless and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pennsylvania (63 mi)

we are sar dog trainers we also train for protection dogs we stive to get the best dogs possible for our program we have puppys we sell as well as trained dogs…

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Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week