Dog Services in Port Deposit, Maryland

Dog Services in Port Deposit, MD

Virginia (101 mi)

We breed purebred pedigree healthy puppies, for companion pets and lifetime family pets. Our puppies are home raised, well trained, well socialized with…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Germantown, MD (101 mi)

Leana Movsessian Will be moving to NJ and will not be able to take Chubaka with me :( Need to find a good, loving, friendly home for him.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Germantown, MD (101 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Mt Carmel, PA (101 mi)

I am looking for a chow chow puppy to make a part of our loving family.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Coplay, PA (101 mi)

We bought this dogie and have papers. she sometimes likes to sanp when she does not get her way. This is a beautiful dog and would be great with adults. …

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Marlton, NJ (101 mi)

Owner of a Yorkie

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Carlisle, PA (102 mi)

I have had Aussie since I was a little girl. My mom started breeding the aussies 30+ years ago. We as children did agility in 4-h. We just love the the Australian…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Australian Shepherd
Any Day of the Week
Virginia (102 mi)

We breed beautiful Maltese puppies, in our home, while providing timely vaccinations, training our dogs, socializing our dogs, and giving them love and care…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$3500.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$3500.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week