We have 8 Beautiful AKC Show Quality, Championship Saint Bernards born on June 15th
I have two 8wk ol pitbull labador and golden retriever puppies that are EXTREMELY SWEET i have one male and one female the girl is more timid and wants to be…
I am just a private person who has a litter of Beagles once in a while, I use the Beagle to run for rabbits which is what I also do I train Beagles to run rabbits…
Lancaster puppies shibi Inu name Kira
i do not breed dogs I sterilize. I have 2 gsd first time i have not owned a Saint so since it has been 14 years. I am just looking for perfection for me.…
MD Cane Corsos is always striving for excellence but we are not satisfied yet. We are determined to produce better quality dogs with every litter and in doing…