Dog Services in Port Deposit, Maryland

Dog Services in Port Deposit, MD

Manassas, VA (132 mi)

My wife and I live in Manassas, our dogs had puppies, we are not a breeder and we are trying to find them loving homes.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Manassas, VA (132 mi)

I am selling my puppy for $200.00 he's a great pup but I don't have time. He weighs 12 pounds. He is a year old.He is not fixed. He will come with a crate,…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Triangle, VA (133 mi)

Pit bull blue nose

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Manasas, VA (134 mi)

Welcome to the home of the cutest and top quality Maltese pups. At J$B Maltese and Yorkies, we breed pups of the most distinct quality and of very good stature…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Manassas, VA (134 mi)

Owner of 2 AKC registered English Bulldogs Mother and Son. We are looking to either Stud our male English Bulldog for a fee or pick of the liter.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
Any Day of the Week
Manassas, VA (134 mi)

Nova Mini Aussies are small time breeders in Manassas, VA. We only have one male and one female. We do not breed for income, we breed because we love mini…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Manassas, VA (134 mi)

Mix with poodle and rat terrier

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Virginia (134 mi)

mix toy puddle with cocker spaniel 2 months old...two males and one female..

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$700.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week