...The American Pit Bull Terrier is apart of our family history...
I have 8 newfie puppies for sale. They are 10 weeks old and ready to go to new homes. Parents are AKC certified. Puppies have first shots and are dewormed.
Rico is 6mo old pedigree with all paperwork, he is up to date on all shots, has had an rabie shot, and has been dewormed. He is house broken. He's great with…
This will be our only litter. The dam got pregnant before we were able to have her fixed. Both parents are well cared for and wonderful dogs! Its been a fun…
We are a small family of Scottie lovers. We have several females that produce several litters of pure bred, AKC registered Scottie puppies per year. Our passion…
Family raised Goldens.
Please View website for owner information http://www.willowwoodcavaliers.com
I am selling all my dogs because I can't afford the vet bills right now at this moment.
Princeton Dog Pet Sitters
Princeton Dog Groomers
Princeton Dog Therapists
Princeton Dog Veterinarians