My name is Megan. I live in Minnesota.
Retired and changes in my life have forced me to re-home my puppy.
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, Trainable, Healthy, Up to Date…
Breeder was pillow pups. Great people. have friends who have dogs from them and are all good dogs. My husband is not well and the stress of always needing…
...The American Pit Bull Terrier is apart of our family history...
These were my parents they are getting sick and can't take care of the puppies the puppies are 8 weeks and dewormed asking 350 763 742 0718
Purebred akc white German shepherd
Prior Lake Dog Therapists
Prior Lake Dog Veterinarians