we home raise the finest Yorkie puppies. Our Yorkies are well socialized and are very affectionate! We specialize in Teacup, and standard size yorkies as well…
Soon to be mom that doesn't really have the resources to provide for my dog anymore.
Our home raised French Bulldogs are all AKC registered and bred for great temperament and personality and to be healthy. We also strive and work hard to uphold…
Beautiful, sweet and lovable pure-bred Pomeranian Puppies. AKC registration papers. Dam and Sire on site. 2 males and 1 females. Pups will come with current…
Japanese puppy 2 months old was recently bought at a pet store. He comes with Insuriance, Shots, Certificate and other documents. Puppy is playful and kind…
I have a one year old Siberian husky that has a. Very special place in my heart, but due to housing regulations I have to let him go, he is very lovable, kid…
I own Remyline's Hammer and his daughter Diva but my circumstances have changed and I have joined the group to find a new home for them. Thank you for having…
Home Breed Maltese/ French Bulldog
Queens Village Dog Pet Sitters
Queens Village Dog Dog Walkers
Queens Village Dog Photographers