This dog is a very good and lovable puppy,she is good with kids and other dogs and cats she is female ,born on 6/7/11,.She is trained to go on pee pads and…
This little angel is a precious bundle of joy. She will be a real doll for anyone who would love to adopt her. She is sure to be the center of attention. She…
Looking for a Labrador Retriever pup.
We own a 3-year-old female Bichon-Schitzu mix. This spring, we learned that a neighbor has a cute Havanese male. We brought the two together for a week, and…
Boston terrier owner that wanted another Boston, this will be our only offer of puppies as we will keep one puppy for ourselves and not bred any more....thank…
Trainer, Breeder, Decoy, Competitor of Absolute Top of the Line Working German Shepherds, for past 25 years. Many titled Schutzhund dogs, from local competitions…
I am Autumn Restaino. My Fianc'e Jeremy and I have a deep love for Siberian huskies but we love to keep it simple. We breed her and only her. She is nearly…
Renton Dog Photographers
Renton Dog Veterinarians