Dog Services in Royston, Georgia

Dog Services in Royston, GA

Alexander, NC (122 mi)

Located on a 73 acre cattle/horse farm in Alexander, NC. I breed Rottweilers from famous German pedigrees to possess sound temperaments, healthy bodies, excellent…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$1000.00 / Puppy Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Graniteville, SC (122 mi)

My husband and I have a 4 bedroom log home with 2 acres of fenced yard. Our two dogs are our children and we love them dearly.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Union, SC (123 mi)

I have had Danes all my life. So has my family. We have two girls. We breed are girls onces a year. Are girls only have two litters total. We breed for health…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Forsyth, GA (123 mi)

I have 2 CKC Poms that just had a litter of three. 2 males are left. We do not wish to keep them. 478-957-8796.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Sunny Side, GA (124 mi)

We are a small breeder that only breeds for the pleasure of it and not as an income. Our dogs are a part of our family and are born and raised right in our…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$2.00 / Puppy Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Chesnee, SC (124 mi)

Small Breeder 1 litter per year.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Middle Georgia Area, GA (126 mi)

Meet Loui!! He is an AKC Teacup Tuxedo Phantom Poodle. He is a proven stud, with 100% successful takings. Loui will throw: creams, silver, tuxedo, chocolate…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Tennessee (126 mi)

I have one male and one female. Their Mom is a UKC REG Red-Red Nose. Her bloodlines are Camelot, Castillo, Danger Zone, and Watch Dog. Her ancestors have numerous…

Primary Business
Primary Breed