Looking for a Miniature Schnauzer
I have 9 Golden Retrivers 4 weeks old for sale for $500.00
I own a beautiful happy breeding pair of purebred shelties.
My American Bulldogs have wonderful temperaments, they are our pets.. We are NOT a puppy mill or back yard breeder.. We wanted to add more joy to our lives…
We are a Kennel located in St. Louis, MO and we specialize in breeding bullies!! What's important to us is that our dogs are good with other dogs, people and…
Fox Creek Ranch Vizslas breeds Champion Vizslas who excel in Conformation,Hunting,Agility,Obedience and Tracking.I have a litter born 11/09/17 ,there are 3…
Saint Ann Dog Groomers
Saint Ann Dog Therapists
Saint Ann Dog Veterinarians