Loving pup that needs attention!
I have a male chihuahua puppy born August 31st, ready October 26th, 2016. Mom is 4#, dad7#
Breeder was pillow pups. Great people. have friends who have dogs from them and are all good dogs. My husband is not well and the stress of always needing…
We have been building our reputation as a trusted Dog Breeder in the upper Midwest since we bred our first litter of puppies back in 1998. We take our responsibilities…
JV farms is a appaloosa horse breeding farm that occasionally has puppies.
We breed very sparingly once a year. We are sold on the quality of our dogs. They are bred for calm demeanor and hunting drive, but are also great companion…
I have owned Cavaliers for 10 plus years. Love the breed. I especially loved Daisy so I bred her to keep an offspring. Have 2 male blenheim pups left to…
I'm a small breeder, and only breed Havanese. My adult dogs live in my home not in kennels. They are given lots of love and attention. Our puppy are raised…
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