I am a professional dog trainer and I work in an animal hospital. I have only one litter a year. This litter is exceptional. The mother is a chocolate ch sired…
Manhattan Puppies specializes in the sale of healthy puppies and kittens . Our puppies are home-raised and responsibly bred for temperament and good congenital…
I have a female tea cup Pomeranian puppy for sale.
we sell pom sky puppies. Pom sky puppy is a mixed breed of Siberian husky and Pomeranian puppy for more information's please contact us . the puppies are …
We are very happy with this litter of Bernese Mountain Dogs Puppies they were born and raised in our home. We eill have all vaccinations along with deworming…
I am Sony a breeder and am 35 years old trying to find great and loving homes for my puppies. If anybody should contact me then the person must know that i…