Looking to rehome my 12 week male yorkshire puppy. His name is cris he weighs 1.2 lbs he is very lovavble and adorable. Loves to play and cuddle my rehoming…
BullMastiff Male Puppy, AKC Reg
Breeder of Quality English Bulldogs Stud Service Puppies
I would like to contact the seller of a black pekingese puppy in Amston,Ct (860) 228-XXXX AMSTON, Ct. The phone no. in the ad was incomplete. the Ad No. is…
Breeding quality Dobermans for over 30 years. Dogs not sold for guard use.
We are boxer lovers and truly passionate about the breed. We have always liked the breed, but truly fell in love when we rescued one over fourteen years ago…
I own Two Yorkshire terrier puppies and they are 12 weeks old now