we have 2 boys and 2 girls Shih tzu they are adorable and make lovely pet good with children and have been partly house trained they come with their first vaccination…
Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
Small breeder of yorkies and shih tzus
New owner of a 6month old st. Bernard papers and first shots. Changes in life makes it difficult to keep him bought him for 2000.00 selling him for 800.00
I'm such a dog lover and I've finally moved out of my house to move wih my older kid oand NECER call me back nothing and IVE been great please let me make one…
We are an at home breeder. We have bread our two miniature Dachshund’s. Puppies are being raised in a loving home with children. We have 3 girls and 3…
Breeders Association of America, Inc is a fully licensed kennel, not a pet store, offering a wide variety of services and care. We specialize in pure bred and…
Trainer.breeder ,instructure,