Dog Services in Shepherdstown, West Virginia

Dog Services in Shepherdstown, WV

Virginia (58 mi)

mix toy puddle with cocker spaniel 2 months old...two males and one female..

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Primary Breed
$700.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Manassas, VA (58 mi)

Mix with poodle and rat terrier

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Spring Run, PA (58 mi)

We have 3 bloodhounds. They are family pets. This is only the second litter we have had.

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Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Maryland (58 mi)

looking for maltese puppy

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Strasburg, VA (58 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Strasburg, VA (58 mi)

We are a family. The pups are raised in our home and used to bigger dogs, kids, and horses.

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Primary Breed
Virginia (59 mi)

We give our dogs plenty of room to run and play with each other. We have found this creates happy, calm dogs that are not only our loyal pets, but our friends…

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Primary Breed
AKC Member Number
Any Day of the Week
Potomac, MD (59 mi)

We are a family breeders network of Exquisite Yorkshire Terrier Puppies. We also network with other reputable, quality breeders who are dedicated to providing…

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Primary Breed