We have over twenty years experience breeding dogs. Our French Bulldog puppies are from quality import pedigrees. All puppies are registered, shots, wormed…
These puppies are from my personal pets, I own both Dam and Sire for all my puppies.
Buddy is an 11th month old Ori Pei Puppy He is AKC microchiped, 5th generation Dam Shar Pie - 4th generation Sire Pug He is house broke, and kennel trained…
Pups are high drive suitable for working homes or high level sports
Our family prefer dog is golden retriever, or basket hound .
Been breeding for over 10 years. Gorgeous pure breed Yorkshire Terriers.
We are not professional breeders. THis is the first litter from our family pets, both German Bloodlined Rottweilers.
I purchased Bella for my daughter from a Breeder at 3 months old. She is currently 3 years old and my daughter is going off to college. Looking for a good home…