Dog Services in Simi Valley, California

Dog Services in Simi Valley, CA

Anaheim, CA (83 mi)

Location: Anaheim CA 4 male puppies 8 weeks old. golden to cream color. Both Sire and Dam live on the premises, pups have been raised indoors since birth.…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Golden Retriever
Huntington Beach, CA (83 mi)

We are NOT "backyard breeders". We love our baby very much. We just want to share the love of owning a bulldog ;)

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La Verne, CA (84 mi)

i own akitas for a least 27 years and i found out that akita pintos are more melow and nicer to people smart too ,, i have paper work for all thier family…

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Santa Ana, CA (84 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Santa Ana, CA (84 mi)

Hello, im selling my pure breed beegle. I bought him from a kennel in oceanside ca called Oceanside puppy last summer. His name is blue because he has one blue…

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Huntington Beach, CA (84 mi)

I live in Huntington Beach, California. I own 2 beautiful adult huskies. My female husky had her 2nd and final litter of puppies.

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Santa Ana, CA (84 mi)

Very playful and loving maltipoo for sale.

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Yorba Linda, CA (86 mi)

We have been breeding & showing Spaniels for over 20 years. Our dogs have great personalities for families.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Field Spaniel
Any Day of the Week