I am the owner of two purebred Shih-Tzus, male & female. They are my pets. They are raised in my home. Pups will be born in my home & treated as family. They…
I have 6yrs experience, raising and breeding Lhasa Apsos. They are born in our loving home and raised with love along side our children and other dogs.
We have been selling, buying, breeding and absolutely loving our AKC Shelties for over 30 years now. We offer Blue Merles, Bi Blacks, Bi-Blues, Sables, and…
Our company’s mission is to give the perfect pup, just for you (Pet Lovers). All our purebred puppies come with registration & Health papers.
She is 1 years old red short hair very loving not spaded. Full blooded akc papers!
At Bulldogs Dig it, we pride ourselves in producing quality canine companions. This means that we are not a volume producer. All of our puppies are hand raised…
Breeding quality cane corsos for the responsible pet owner. Our male is 150lbs, female is 120lbs. Parents produce blues, blue brindles and formentinos. They…
The facilities are located in my home in Richmond VA. We raise our puppies with the utmost of care and love. They are raised with children and two adult dogs…
Smithfield Dog Dog Walkers
Smithfield Dog Therapists
Smithfield Dog Veterinarians