We have eleven(11) 4 week old pitbull/presa canario mix. Litter consist of 8 girls and 3 boys. Our male is a 100lb Presa Canario/Pitbull mix and our female…
Kaipo is an AKC certified bulldog born on February 1, 2013 in Florida. Even at his young age he seems ready to go when it comes to mating with reference to…
Dogs live in a loving home with loving parents (husband and wife) with successful careers. Dogs are well taken care of and purebred, bred together for one of…
Hi, my name is Chipper. I am so anxious to meet my new forever family. Could that be with you? I sure hope so. I am a gorgeous puppy with a personality to match…
We are a small family orientated kennel exhibiting pedigree German Shepherd of quality in type and temperament. Our special interest lies within the conformation…
Our dog just passed away of april 2013 and we feel we are ready for another furry little friend.
Max is a 3 month toy York and weighs 3 pounds he will stay that size. He is potty trained, loves other dogs, walks, baths no papers due for rabies at 4 months…
Smithfield Dog Dog Walkers
Smithfield Dog Therapists
Smithfield Dog Veterinarians