We have a white Yorkie-poo for sale. He was born on 6/8/16 and will be ready to go home on 8/7. He loves to play with children and loves to be around people…
Dog-Owners for 4+ years. We have an 3 year old Alaskan Husky and a 1 year old Alaskan Noble Companion that we have raised with our 4 young children.
Kaipo is an AKC certified bulldog born on February 1, 2013 in Florida. Even at his young age he seems ready to go when it comes to mating with reference to…
Family who loves Pugs because they are great lapdogs, yet they love to run and play outdoors too with their adorable scrunched up faces. This will be the exclusive…
Adorable Purebred Pomeranian puppies for sale 6 weeks old. 2 females and one male. $500 a piece. Have been all dewormed. And are able to be registered. For…
Maltese 13 week pairs 757-918-3952 virginia puppies for sale
Miniature Dachshunds have been my passion since childhood. I love them and breed them to bring out the highest quality and color of the EE Cream line. My…
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