Dog Services in Sussex, New Jersey

Dog Services in Sussex, NJ

New York, KY (107 mi)


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Gulph Mills, PA (108 mi)

40 years in breeding, 20 years in the breed

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Welsh Springer Spaniel
Philadelphia, PA (108 mi)

i work at the four seasons as a chef!

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Primary Breed
Eagleville, PA (108 mi)

We have 2 beautiful Springer Spaniels who had puppies, they are available 9/24. There are 6 of them, 2 males, 3 females. $500 each.

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English Foxhound
Toms River, NJ (108 mi)

Dr Lauri Taylor raises poodle litter every other year in conjunction with Mount Bethel poodles. Puppies are raised with the socialization, conformation, temperament…

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Primary Breed
Toms River, NJ (108 mi)

My name is Dominick Strada I am looking to purchase either a Shih Tzu puppy or a golden retriever puppy thank you

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Primary Breed
Conshohocken, PA (109 mi)

This is the 2nd litter from Athena and Thor. Owners of puppies from 1st litter are very satisfied with their new additions to their families. I ensure that…

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Cane Corso
Any Day of the Week
Pennsylvania (109 mi)

Sire (Dad) and Dam (Mom) are both our family pets and are able to meet with anyone interested in the puppies. We have 4 poodle puppies born June 15, 2017, 3…

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Any Day of the Week