J. Burnette licensed breeder CKC Pomeranians for 40+ years.
At Savvy Pets puppy website: PetPuppiesForSale .com we deliver premium puppy breeds safely across the United States to your local airport. Our puppies have…
Cane Corso puppies. Christmas Special $800
Hello,if you are interested in my puppy,feel free to contact me and you will never regret haven my puppy as an additional member to your home.
Just looking for a nice reasonable price puppy for my new family :)...my name is Chris,contact my email in response to this.I promise to take care of the dog…
We have raised show quality great danes for over 15 years. We offer a exclusive FIVE YEAR Health Guarantee. All our babies come AKC registered, completely…
Janzen Family Bassets We raise AKC registered Basset Hounds in Conyers, GA. The Basset is a good breed to own as a family pet or for hunting purposes. We love…
Von Der Morr is Home of Phenomenal Imports that have the most highly sought after bloodlines in the world!! We are located in GA,20 miles east of Atlanta.I…