Dog Services in Takoma Park, Maryland

Dog Services in Takoma Park, MD

Readin, PA (142 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Reading, PA (142 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Reading,Pa, PA (143 mi)

cindy love people

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jack Russell Terrier
Any Day of the Week
Birdsboro, PA (144 mi)

Breeding for 10 years now. we at L & S aim to better both breeds and provide families with loving puppies. We also have champion stud dogs as well.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$900.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Reading, PA (145 mi)

live in reading pa

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Reading, PA (146 mi)

Teddy is the offspring of our housepets, Wiggles (Shih Tzu/Mother), and Baily (Bichon Frise/Father). This is a first litter, and Teddy was raised by his parents…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Reading, PA (146 mi)

golden retriever puppy

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Temple, PA (147 mi)

77709. $375.00. Female

Primary Business
Primary Breed