Dog Services in Tavares, Florida

Dog Services in Tavares, FL

Saint Petersburg, FL (113 mi)

Owner Bio

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Saint Peterburg, FL (113 mi)

Shiba Inu

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pinellas Park, FL (113 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pinellas Park, FL (113 mi)

Shih tzu puppies

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Florida (113 mi)

I love dogs and my Pomerianian I adore,but what he loves is other bitches and I'm stuck. I need your help in finding these great pups a home. Inquire for details…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jacksonville, FL (114 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jacksonville, FL (115 mi)

Breeder since 2011. Owner of both male and female Cavlalier King Charles dogs.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$995.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Vero Beach, FL (117 mi)

Powerful, intelligent, loyal, courageous. Owning the breed since 1988 We strive to begin our future with the very best bloodlines, for stable. working ability…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pit Bull Terrier
Daycare & Dog Sitting
Any Day of the Week