Tina Winston
I've been raising Papillons for over 6 years. I have one female that is AKC; one that is CKC registered and one dual registered male for breeding. I have all…
FOR SALE & READY FOR BREEDING $1,500!!! Clyde is a 1 year 7 month old English Bulldog. He is AKC registered, white/brindle male. (270) 315-1727
Looking for a female siberian husky pup
We have too many dogs in the house and just need to get rid of some
Our kennel is family owned and operated. We are animal people, but have fallen in love with the Goldendoodle breed. We take pride in our puppies and are certain…
I'm excited to announce that we have been blessed with 9 goldendoodle fur babies. Kenzie is our 70 pound white English teddy bear goldendoodle who thinks she…
Twin Ridge Kennel has been raising Australial Shepherds since the early 1980's. We have raised all sizes but are now raising only TOYS & MINNIES. Our puppies…
Tell City Dog Dog Walkers
Tell City Dog Therapists
Tell City Dog Veterinarians