$700 each pup must go to a forever home. born 1/9/2016 will be ready to go 3/7/2016
ACA Registered Chihuahua puppies. Home bred with loving care for health and intelligence.
My name is Demetrius, I live with my fiancé in Bethlehem,Pa. I really want to get her a puppy this xmas. This will be the 2nd xmas that we're spending without…
We are not a kennel or a business but a private home that loves Alaskan Malamutes. We own 2 beautiful dogs that we breed once in a while to produce wonderful…
AKC registered Swissies pups occassionally available. Parents OFA CERT. Please call or email with any questions, I love talking "Swissies!" check site greaterswissies…
We are an advertising company for Keystone Certified Breeders!