Dog Services in Temple, Pennsylvania

Dog Services in Temple, PA

Phila, PA (67 mi)

for the love of cane corso we breed only quality hounds at a mastiff level. email or phone us

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Cane Corso
Any Day of the Week
Wilkes-Barre Twp., PA (67 mi)

For over 45 years, our #1 priority has been and continues to be the health and wellbeing of our animals. In our care, we regularly monitor the development and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pennsylvania (67 mi)

Absolutely adorable!! boy and girls purebred Maltese Puppies. Only 10 weeks old!! These beautiful puppies will make a great companion and perfect lapdog. They…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New Jersey (67 mi)

i love dogs

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Bear, DE (67 mi)

Owner of Shepherd and Labs for pets only

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Bear, DE (67 mi)

Adorable king English bulldogs sweet coat. socialized with children, dogs and cats in our neighborhood does very well doesn't chase other animals since we had…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
New Castle, DE (68 mi)

I have been a breeder since 2009. Take confidence in buying one of my quality AKC Irish Setter Pups.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Irish Setter
Windsor, PA (68 mi)

I have had Jack Russel Terriers for about 6-7 years now. We got our first female in 2007 with no intention of breeding at all just as a pet. She is the best…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jack Russell Terrier
$550.00 / $700 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$450.00 / 700 Breeding
Any Day of the Week