i have a pomeranian puppy for $230.00. its a male, he has all of his shots, and he is dewormed.
We are a small hoobly breeding family
25 years of Happy Healthy Homeraised puppies. We have EXCELLENT vet and Personal ref. We are always here for you before and after the sale of your puppy. ALL…
We raise healthy, playful, mischievous and happy PWD puppies on a diet of exercise, fun and love, all in the country sunshine. With our mix of European and…
SEA DOG KENNELS We raise healthy, playful, mischievous and happy PWD puppies on a diet of exercise, fun and love, all in the country sunshine. With our…
I have an Maltese puppy
My family and I live on 2 acres near the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania and only a one hour drive to New York City. I am a Registered Nurse with a BSN and…