I am Amanda from baltimore Maryland. Born on june 1974. I am a stay at home mom. have 5 kids and one grand child.
I have 3 golden retrievers for $1,000 each and with shots and registration $1,500 each.
I have been the only owner of these dogs. They have grown with my family and have gotten along with everyone.
Dominio de los penates
Hi thank you for being so kind to show interest in my baby's. Snookie (mom) is 1 colors black white cow patch with under coat of gray Spanky (dad) black with…
Specializing is small quality Chihuahuas. Long and short coats. All puppies are raised in my house. They all come with a full vet exam and health certificate…
our dogs have the comforts of our home and a fenced in yard to run and play. our dogs are ofa for hip and knee's. when buying a puppy we also have a contract…
I want to know if you still have the dog and that way when i get the money and i will give it to you