We breed black and tan healthy and beautiful, ACA full pedigree pups. We are here full time to assist you with the adoption. You will meet our moms and dads…
Professional Dog Trainer of over 18 years. Currently owner and operator of a Geese Control Business in Maryland.
CM kennels has Maltese ONLY purebred lineage puppies. We raise our dogs in our wonderful home and will only consider wonder prospective pet parents to adopt…
Amy and Jose' Domingos are true dog lovers. Our litter of ARGENTINE DOGOS will be on the ground in early November and ready to go to their new homes in early…
I have been around dogs all my life. I have a horse and Miko or "Foxy Lady Miko" who is a red Shiba Inu, she has been through two obedience classes and agility…
We offer a variety of services for our purebred Maltese. We raise our dogs and their litters in our home and train them to use potty pads and be social companion…
Breeding dual purebred pedigree AKC & CKC, Maltese lineage only, puppies, from ou spoil Maltese dogs. They are all champion blood lines Maltese, of a superior…